I'm a Salesforce Technical Advisor. I live in New Boston, NH with my wife and three sons.



Stephen Judd

Disconnected, fragmented, or united? a trans-disciplinary review of network science | Applied Network Science | Full Text

During decades the study of networks has been divided between the efforts of social scientists and natural scientists, two groups of scholars who often do not see eye to eye. In this review I present an effort to mutually translate the work conducted by scholars from both of these academic fronts hoping to continue to unify what has become a diverging body of literature. I argue that social and natural scientists fail to see eye to eye because they have diverging academic goals. Social scientists focus on explaining how context specific social and economic mechanisms drive the structure of networks and on how networks shape social and economic outcomes. By contrast, natural scientists focus primarily on modeling network characteristics that are independent of context, since their focus is to identify universal characteristics of systems

Stephen Judd

Thinking Like a Network : Interaction Institute for Social Change

- Some of the characteristics that make a network different than alliances, coalitions, and collaboratives.

Stephen Judd

The Adaptable Mind on Vimeo

Curiosity - Creativity - Initiative - Multi-disciplinary thinking - Empathy. encourages/facilitates.

Stephen Judd

The Power of Our Collective Professional Networks and Transdisciplinarity Learning

Good exercise for mapping networks during face-to-face meetings. Also has good questions to use when surveying people about their connections. via @kjeannette

Stephen Judd

How Millennials Get News: Inside the Habits of America’s First Digital Generation

A comprehensive study of millennials, their digital habits, and news consumption. A combination of survey and interview data. I found it through a Tweet by Bruce Moody (@bruce_moody)